We are building a collection of resources online that are available to anyone interested in Pine City area history.
Maps - A few historical maps of Pine City. Phone Books - Look through old phone books. Obituary File - Find the date of any obituary that was published in a Pine City paper before 2017. Yearbooks - Look through Pine City High School yearbooks. Museums - Links to local museums.
The Pine County Genealogical Society has a number of resources for anyone doing research connected to the area. Their website is: http://www.pinecogen.org/
Ann Vach Files
Ann Vach was a local woman who was an avid historian. Some of her files have been donated to us and are available in our Collection Catalog.
Richard Van Horn Collection
The Richard Van Horn Collection consists of 195 photos that are connected to the David Deaver family who lived in the Brook Park area from approximately 1910 - 2000. Richard found himself the keeper of his family's old photos and he was concerned that they might be lost after he was gone. We are grateful he chose to share them with us. In addition to providing us with a look at life in the 1900's we are able to not only preserve the photos but make them available to a much larger audience. View the Van Horn Collection.
If you enjoy these resources please consider joining the Pine City Area History Association. We are funded by Memberships.